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A Typical Day

I am back again! I have been meaning to blog for ages but in this day and age with micro blogs like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram it becomes really difficult. However I made the decision to really make an effort to regularly blog since I get so many positive responses and so many questions! So, […]

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K-Pop Celebrity Diets – Kwon Yuri

This is the first of a series of posts where I will be addressing the issue of extreme diets that Korean celebrity girl groups put themselves through and why they do more harm than good. This first post will look at Kwon Yuri of Girls’ Generation (SNSD) which is one of Korea’s most popular girl […]

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Weight Loss Extremes

The final episode of the BBC 4 part documentary series “The Men Who Made Us Thin” aired recently and as always was very eye opening and informative. The final episode covered the frightening world of extreme weight loss products. The claims that some of these products make are ridiculous but what i found most disturbing […]

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Celebrity Orchastrated Weight Gain

Episode 3 of “The Men Who Made Us Thin” aired on BB2 recently and examined the weight loss industry. The lengths that people will go to in order to lose weight rather than choosing to Eat Clean and Train Smart Not Hard is scary. What I found even more disturbing however was the revelation albeit […]

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Girls, Lifting Weights Won’t Make You Bulky

If you think lifting weights will make you bulky girls, you need to think again! Check out the video below. Lifting weights will not make you look like a man. Lifting weights will boost your hormone levels and help your bone density and beats any cardio and lightweight circuit training that you are probably doing […]

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Greatest Opening Pitch Ever!

If you have not seen this video that has been going around the internet you need to NOW! Actress and Tae Kwon Do ace Tae-Mi (aka Kim Kyung-sook) executes a beautiful modified 360° Jump Spinning Heel Kick. Check it out below. Is that not one of the best opening pitches you have ever seen?! And […]

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